Desastre ecológico en Rusia: Más de treinta delfines hallados muertos por derrame de petróleo – NoticiaDoCampo | Su consejo financiero diário.

Desastre ecológico en Rusia: Más de treinta delfines hallados muertos por derrame de petróleo

The disastrous consequences of an oil leak have devastated the beaches in the southern region of Russia, leading to the tragic deaths of thirty-two dolphins. The incident occurred when oil began to seep out of two tankers in the Kerch Strait, a canal located between the Krasnodar area and the Crimean Peninsula. The spill has been described as an “ecological disaster” by President Vladimir Putin, as officials and volunteers work tirelessly to clean up the contaminated beaches.


The Delfa Dolphin Rescue and Research Centre in Sochi, Russia, reported that the deaths of the dolphins are most likely linked to the fuel oil spill. The cetaceans, which include whales, dolphins, and porpoises, have been severely impacted by the pollution in the region. Of the 61 cetaceans reported dead, it is believed that around 29 dolphins were killed in an effort to save their lives during the spill. The center also noted that most of the dolphins belonged to the rare and endangered Azov species.

Following the emergency declaration issued by the authorities in Russian-occupied Crimea, efforts have been made to clean up the oil-contaminated beaches of Sevastopol. It has been estimated that over 96,000 tons of sand and soil have been removed from the shoreline in the Anapa and Temryuk districts in the Krasnodar region. This extensive cleanup effort involved both paid employees and unpaid volunteers working under the Russian Ministry of Emergencies.

The impact of the oil spill has been significant, with up to 200,000 tons of mazut, a heavy oil byproduct, potentially polluting the area. President Putin’s declaration of the situation as an “ecological disaster” underscores the severity of the crisis and the urgent need for action to mitigate its effects. The contaminated beaches and the loss of marine life highlight the devastating consequences of environmental negligence and the importance of effective response measures to protect our natural habitats.

In response to the crisis, various environmental organizations and volunteers have stepped up to assist in the cleanup efforts and support the affected wildlife. The dedication and hard work of these individuals have been instrumental in addressing the immediate impacts of the oil spill and preventing further harm to the fragile ecosystem of the region.

Moving forward, it is imperative that preventative measures are put in place to avoid similar incidents in the future. Strict regulations and monitoring of oil transportation and storage are essential to prevent environmental disasters like the one that has occurred in southern Russia. Public awareness and education on the importance of environmental conservation are also vital in promoting responsible behavior and sustainable practices to protect our planet for future generations.

As we reflect on the tragic events that have unfolded in the wake of the oil spill in southern Russia, let us remember the importance of taking care of our environment and the precious wildlife that inhabits it. Through collective action and responsible stewardship of our natural resources, we can strive to create a healthier and more sustainable world for all living beings. It is only through our commitment to the protection and preservation of our planet that we can ensure a brighter future for generations to come.

Laura Lopez
Laura Lopez

Editora en Noticia do Campo desde 2022.


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